Step into the vibrant world of doodles with Thant Lin Htet, a Year 6 student from The Grange Institution whose artistic talents were recognised at the School of The Arts (SOTA) Primary 6 Art Competition 2024. This year’s theme is based on the prompt, “What does Peace mean to you?”. He was one of the Top 50 winners of this national level competition.

Thant and his artwork titled “Peaceful Creatures” displayed at SOTA’s exhibition hall.

This widely recognised competition was launched in 2018 as one of SOTA’s outreach programmes to encourage and provide a platform for young artists to express their creativity and hone their talents in Visual Arts.

Thant shared his inspiration for his artwork with the school during an assembly.

“I didn’t expect to win anything. I just decided to doodle what I could think off and submitted it,” shared Thant.

When asked about what he would like to share to encourage budding artists in the school, Thant added, “Don’t think that you cannot do it. In fact, I think many of you are better at me at this!”

Thant sharing about his work at the school assembly.

Students got a chance to get up close with the artwork.

Thant did not start off as an art enthusiast. He begun with random doodles as a hobby during his fourth year in the school after being inspired by Belgian artist, Vexx. Recognizing his potential, his homeroom teacher at that time encouraged him to continue practicing.

Since then, Thant has contributed his design elements for the school. He aspires to pursue his passion for the Arts at SOTA.