All the seven NurtureStars preschool centres located in SAFRA clubs around Singapore participated in this year’s Total Defence Day to raise awareness among its children on the importance of being prepared.
The SAFRA clubs organized a series of activities from 15 to 29 Feb 2024 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the campaign. The theme was “Together We Keep Singapore Strong”, to remind everyone that they have a part to play!
In class, the children were briefed on how everyone can play a part to address threats and challenges in the Total Defence of Singapore. Teachers shared with our children on different scenarios aligned to a potential crisis. They also shared stories on how Singaporeans had overcome crises in the past.
All the children at every centre, guided by the teachers, joined in an evacuation drill at their respective SAFRA club premises.
They watched a fire-fighting demonstration and took part in an electricity and water disruption simulation exercise. Some of the older children even had hands-on experience using a fire extinguisher to put out a fire.
What a way to start them young and inculcate a sense of preparedness for the nation’s defence!

The children and their teachers being briefed on the simulation exercise.

Our K2 children took the chance to learn to put out a fire during the exercise.

Our children at NurtureStars @ Yishun being briefed on the CPR techniques.