It wasn’t Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum, nor was it Ra-Ta-Ta-Ta. It was a Thump-Thump-Thump on 20 August 2019 at Kinderland Preschool @ Yio Chu Kang!

Children from the education brands under Crestar Education Group, Kinderland PreschoolELFA Preschool and The Grange Institution (The Grange) were treated to a special surprise! A friendly prehistoric baby Tyrannosaurus Rex (T-Rex) made a personal visit to the Kinderland campus at Yio Chu Kang! Being his usual playful self, he greeted the crowd with his trademark sharp snapping of jaw and huffed and puffed at an equally excited crowd!

Children from Kinderland sharpened one of their six basic science process skills, observation – by observing the life-like dinosaur artefact at close distance

Brave children from ELFA Preschool and The Grange loved the opportunity to interact with a life-size dinosaur up-close

Kinderland children had a ball interacting with baby T-Rex

Baby T-Rex has not lost his fearsome gaze after 65 million years

The visit was made possible by the live arena show – Walking with Dinosaurs – The Live Experience, inspired by the documentary produced by BBC Earth. First launched in 2007, the show kept pace with emerging dinosaur science. The upgraded animatronic creatures have fur, feathers and quills and display brighter colours.

Baby T-Rex suit melds hydraulics and animatronics together, fusing engineering with puppeteering. Weighing approximately 40kg and featuring plumes instead of scales on the body, the suit is proof of the attention to detail put into research for the show. The realistic imitation of the T-Rex by the experienced puppeteer provided our children with a moment never to forget.

Kinderland Preschool @ Yio Chu Kang is second home to over 100 students through infant to kindergarten levels. Sitting in the same compound is The Grange, an international primary school offering reasonable quality education to children between 5 and 12 years old. ELFA Preschool offers full-day preschool programme with Chinese focus for children aged 2 months to under 7 years old.