The HSK Centre (Crestar) in Singapore and Malaysia, have won the international Outstanding Award respectively for their administration of the Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (CTCSOL) examination. The centres conduct Chinese proficiency tests for professionals, teachers and students,
The two centres, managed by the Crestar Education Group, were among four overseas test centres to receive the award out of a total of 36 test centres outside China. The other two awards were clinched by South Korea and United Kingdom.

In the China domestic section, there were 12 award recipients from leading universities including Beijing Language and Culture University, East China Normal University, Zhejiang Normal University, Wuhan University, Nankai University, Qingdao University, and Dalian University of Foreign Language.
Results of the awards were announced at the beginning of 2022 by the Beijing Chinese Testing International, which organises the CTCSOL exams.

The CTCSOL examination was launched overseas in 2015 with the mission to help improve the teaching of international Chinese language. Over the years, HSK Centre (Crestar) has devoted itself to the promotion and development of the CTCSOL examination and training in Singapore and Malaysia. As a result, the number of examinations, training and certification holders were among the highest in the world. Crestar’s HSK test centres have won many commendation from candidates and employer organisations.
When the Covid-19 epidemic struck in 2020, HSK Centre (Crestar) worked closely with the Beijing international organiser to assist in launching a virtual examination format. The digitalisation of the examination procedures has helped to address the needs of hundreds of candidates from both Singapore and Malaysia during the severe disruption caused by the pandemic.