The “International Chinese Classroom Teaching Case Study Symposium 2022”, jointly organised by Chinese Testing International (CTI) and Crestar Education Group’s (CEG) Confucius Classroom, was held on 26 and 27 November. Some 700 teachers from 20 over countries including Singapore, China, United Kingdom, Canada, and more logged into the symposium online for a presentation of eight pre-video-recorded classroom sessions.
The case study videos covering four different themes were presented by the respective teachers that produced them. The themes were: “teaching concept and model innovation practice”, “skillset teaching and activity organisation”, “online teaching resources and technology”, and “teacher-student interaction and classroom management”.

Pre-video recorded- classroom session 1 by Ms Li Jun

Pre-video recorded- classroom session 2 by Ms Zhang Yi Li
Eight front-line Chinese teachers shared the highlights of their pre-video-recorded classroom session, and four senior experts in the field of International Chinese language education provided their views and analyses on them.
Professor Wu Zhong Wei from Fudan University gave his evaluation on various teaching concepts and model innovations. He also encouraged teachers to keep broadening their ideas and further explore new teaching approaches.

Professor Wu Zhong Wei presenting an evaluation
Ms. Xiong Hua Li from the Canadian International School in Singapore, provided thoughtful insights on classroom teaching, focusing on techniques and activity organisation methods. Through online interaction with the participants, she highlighted some areas for reflection and provided useful suggestions.

Sharing by Ms Xiong Hua Li
Associate Professor Xiong Yu Zhen from Jinan University shared her views on teaching resources and the use of technology. She gave useful suggestions on how to better integrate and apply it for effective teaching.

Commentary by Associate Professor Xiong Yu Zhen
Associate Professor Liu Ying from Nanjing Normal University analysed a variety of construction models and presented her views on classroom interaction. She also had in-depth discussions with the participants on classroom management issues of concerns.

An analysis by Associate Professor Liu Ying
The online case study symposium was a resounding success with enthusiastic interactions and discussions between presenters, the experts and the participants. The organisers received appreciation for the enriching contents. The participants expressed hopes that the organisers would provide more of such quality opportunities for learning and discussion in the future.
Confucius Classroom Singapore aims to continue organising quality professional seminars and workshops to provide International Chinese language teachers opportunities to enhance their careers and professional development to a higher level.