Three Kinderland and ELFA preschools teams participated in the 2022 National Preschool Chinese Teaching Aid Competition (Creative Picture Book Storyboard). The teams from the two subsidiaries of Crestar Education Group emerged victorious against more than one hundred other teams. The competition finals were held on 20 August 2022 at Singapore Centre for Chinese Language (SCCL).
The competition encouraged early childhood educators and members of the public to design creative picture book storyboards as aids for teaching and learning the Chinese language.

(From Left to Right): Ms Tng Bee Tin and Ms Koh Li Hoong from Kinderland Preschool @ Hougang receiving their Excellence Award from Dr Foo Suan Fong, Executive Director, SCCL.

“Who Created Trouble?” 《谁惹的祸》
Ms Koh Li Hoong and Ms Tng Bee Tin, from Kinderland Preschool @ Hougang, clinched the “Excellence Award” with their book, “Who Created Trouble?”
Ms Koh Li Hoong won the “Most Outstanding Award” in the 2020 competition with her tabletop teaching aid “Otter Moving”. Her tabletop teaching aid was published and released through a book “Tong Xin Shuo” to coincide with the finals of this year’s competition.

Dr Foo (middle) presenting the “Consolation Awards” to Ms Zhang Chun Hong, Ms Lin Meng Ya, Ms Zheng Shi Quan and Ms Huang Ai Li (from left to right).

“What Smells So Good?” 《什么这么香》
Team Kinderland Preschool @ Sengkang, comprising of Ms Zhang Chun Hong, Ms Lin Meng Ya, Ms Zheng Shi Qun and Ms Huang Ai Li, received the Consolation Award for its storyboard “What Smells So Good?”

Dr Foo (right) presenting the “Promising Awards” to Ms Wong Pei Yi (left).

“The World of the Future” 《未来的世界》
Team ELFA Chinese Preschool @ Hougang’s Ms Wong Pei Yi achieved the “Promising Award” with her storyboard “The World of the Future”.
Kinderland and ELFA Curriculum and Professional Development Director, Dr Carol Loy, said, “We strongly encourage our teachers to participate in such competitions. These competition inspire their creativity and talent to create more innovative and localised Chinese teaching aids to promote our preschoolers’ interest in Chinese language learning.”
Supporting Organisations: Singapore University of Social Sciences, National Institute of Education, National Institute of Early Childhood Development, National Library Board, PAP Community Foundation and Kinderland International Education