31 July 2020 was a remarkable day for Kinderland International Preschool @ Vietnam, as we celebrated the first Kindergarten 2 (K2) Graduation Ceremony cum Year-End Concert. A joyous occasion as the school came together to recognise the children’s learning journey through the year. Furthermore, it was a proud moment as parents and teachers witnessed the graduation of the first cohort of K2 children. Many of the graduates have been with the school since the start of operation in 4th March 2019 2019.

All smiles on the faces of our children and staffs at the first concert in Vietnam!
2020 has been an extraordinary year for everyone in the world and that is why, the first ever graduation concert, had to be a special one. For the safety and well-being of our parents and children, the event was presented live via Zoom. Without any prior experience in holding a graduation concert in the new school, with the challenge to hold it via Zoom, it was definitely a valuable learning experience for everyone.
Children and their teachers had practiced very hard for the big day and they were very excited to showcase the children’s talent to their parents. The concert was also an opportunity to recognise the hard work of the teachers and the undivided support from our parents.

Special dance performance put together by our dedicated energetic teachers
Dressed in colorful costumes, children across different class levels put together performances that exhibits their confidence. With all smiles on our children’s faces, our first ever virtual graduation ceremony was a great success with full participation and compliments.

Our lively K1 children performing to a foot tapping number titled “Happy Family”
It was of a moment of mixed emotions as teachers and parents watched our first batch of K2 children receiving their graduation certificates. They have grown incredibly with Kinderland and we wish them the best in the next phase of their learning journey. We hope that our graduates and our children will soar to greater heights and have a brighter future ahead.

Congratulations to our K2 graduates